Design Process

Our design process is completely adaptable to your needs, depending on the size and scope of your project.
Everyone's needs are different, but we've outlined a few basic steps, just so you know what to expect from us.
- Initial design consultation with one of our designers. This visit includes measurements, photos, and a style consultation. Minimum billable time for the initial home consultation visit is two hours.
- If appropriate, we will create a customized design proposal that fits the individual client's needs. Once a scope of work is agree to, we execute a written retainer agreement to define costs based on what is appropriate for the scope and scale of your project.
- Services may include some or all of the following elements: space planning, furniture layout, 3D imaging, color consultation, lighting plan, selection of furniture, lighting, bedding, window treatments, and/or accessories to complete your space.
- Alternatively, our designers can simply provide a color consultation or other limited scope service; whatever works for you.
- No project is too big or too small!