Happy Family Blog — what we're loving RSS

april's banana coconut muffin tops

one of our favorite oh baby! staff chefs of all time is april--she whips up amazing gluten-free concoctions that somehow are always the best thing you've eaten that day (and lucky for us little ducks, she shares with oh baby! employees sometimes!) it's your lucky day, because here's one of her specialties that is guaranteed to be absolutely DELICIOUS...and we're sure she'll bring us more this week...right? please? banana coconut muffins or muffin tops (recipe from gluten-free mama and adjusted by april) 2 cups gluten-free mama's coconut blend flour (or any other sweet gluten-free flour) 1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 tsp salt 2 tsp xanthan gum 1 cup butter (april replaces this with 1/2 cup homemade applesauce and 1/2...

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the best of the best

we were so happy and pleased to be named best furniture store in lake minnetonka magazine's best of 2013 awards this spring! here's a few shots of the team at the awards ceremony--it was such fun. as ceo mary always says, "i could pick anything in the whole wide world to have in this store-- and i've carefully selected THESE pieces!" it's nice to have someone looking out for you, and scouring the whole darn planet to craft a happy place just for you. and frankly, that's what we're all about. [caption id="attachment_579" align="aligncenter" width="640"] from right to left: communications manager maggie, owner tom, owner mary, and visual merchandising manager heidi![/caption] [caption id="attachment_580" align="aligncenter" width="480"] ceo, founder, and curator mary...

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happy friday // links we love

  1. we adore this set of wallpapers for your phone, iPad, computer, and Facebook cover photo with the moniker of our lovely little interior design boutique in excelsior! from the college prep blog: "I also just love the phrase Que Sera, Sera. Sometimes I repeat that to myself when things aren't necessarily going as planned... or if I'm not sure what the plan is or should be in the first place. Even the way the phrase rolls off your tongue has a calming effect. Whatever will be, will be."-College Prep 2. our very favorite savvy sassy mom in existence, andrea fellman, has selected her picks from the oh baby! website and because we love her so much, we're offering 15% off all...

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we have the perfect wedding, father's day, or anniversary gift, if you're in the market. because we never miss the chance to be inspired. because handmade, locally crafted products from the great USA are a beautiful way to show your country a little love. because timeless, thoughtful gifts are our specialty. because we want your home to have something uniquely yours. because oyster, oatmeal, and elephant linens just sound lovely, don't they? because we  strive for happiness in our homes, hearts, and hands every single day. because we care so, so much about making your house your happy place, and a wedding gift is the introduction to a lifetime of love! and most of all, because giving gifts is better than receiving, every single time.            

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what we're loving: 'there are so many good people in the world'

in the aftermath of a week beginning with a boston tragedy, this post from Sellabit Mum hit home, made us smile, and gave us hope that the world is full of good people doing good things. that's why we love to partner with charities such K.I.D.S and try to do our part, by making sure all of our products are produced safely and locally, without doing damage to the earth and without a mass-produced part among them. Thanks to Sellabit Mum for the below post and sharing this story! Forward April 16, 2013 Yesterday morning I rolled down my van window to hand a few dollars to the man standing on the median. He wore an old green coat, dirty pants, and...

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